sieves (shakes)

Sieve net

Screen nets, a net made of woven metal wires at right angles (plain weave), Jacon offers vibrating screen nets with a large variety of gap sizes and wire diameters, these nets can be produced with galvanized wire, high carbon content, low content Carbon or stainless steel.

We manufacture vibrating screens with special finishing options such as cover, hook, simple hook, welded side finish and many more.

The company has a complete set of steel screen production equipment, which can produce steel screens of different sizes and shapes with holes from 3mm to 120mm and wire thickness from 1.5mm to 12mm.

Made of wear-resistant steel wire, the end of the mesh is equipped with tensioners suitable for customer equipment

( Goose neck - hook sandwich - sandwich _ angle by welding or rivet)

Types of sieves

There are many types of sieves inside Jacon Company, which are:

  • plain woven wire mesh

This is a basic weave with alternating vertical and horizontal lines intersecting, the mesh is stable so accurate and effective screening can be performed.

  • Twill wire mesh

Both vertical and horizontal lines are arranged in two rows, each alternating with one step delay, it is suitable for weaving fine mesh and has the advantage that weaving can be done with thick lines.

  • flat top wire mesh

It is a suitable weaving method for coarse and medium block, and it is woven by flat processing line so that the surface of the sieve is smooth.

Net the sieves inside the jackoon

 Stainless steel sieves and shotguns for sampling applications Various types of sampling materials include rocks, ores, metals, fibers, feed, glass, ceramics, waste, bone, paper, plastics, rubber, grain and corn

The sieves are available in different sizes including 3", 4", 6", 8", 12" and 16" with mesh or brass frames.

Specialized and divided sieves are also available with various accessories including sifting racks and aids.

Sieves for cereals, wheat and flour

Factory for grain, wheat and flour sieves, made of polyester mesh and stainless steel, features include reduced clogging or downtime, solid or liquid separation and corrosion resistance.

 Suitable for water treatment, filtration, screening, sifting, sizing, separating, cleaning, washing food products and transportation purposes.

Serves the sugar, grain handling, CBD, and food and beverage industries.

vibrating sieves

The vibrating screen mesh is essential in material sifting and classifying processes, so choosing the most suitable mesh is of great importance to the quality of the final product.

Vibrating sieves are used in mining companies, quarries, steel plants, fertilizers, chemical industries, etc. They can also be made in the form of wire baskets.

Abrasion resistance is one of the criteria for determining good mesh quality. In most of the sifting operations, the mesh is subjected to abrasive procedures, so it is essential that the product has been manufactured with materials that are highly resistant to such conditions.

The company is ready to produce all sizes and sizes according to demand.

 Therefore, we enjoy high confidence and our contribution to building Egypt and its institutions.

We supply all types of wire to the largest factories with the highest quality sieves.

The Arab Company for Trade & Manufacturing

One of the leading companies in the manufacture of requirements for quarries, factories, ports and metal constructions.

Contact Us

42 Omar ebn el Khatab Area, from Gesr El Suis, infront of Al Dakhiliyah Sports Club
